You'll find all current animals and nature emojis in Whatsapp and Facebook as well as a description of their meaning. Have fun with diving into the colorful world of emojis!
A bare tree with a thick trunk and widely ramified branches, but without leaves. The tree stands firmly on the ground, but appears barren and bare, as if in a period of retreat or rest.
The leafless tree emoji ️ represents the end of the life cycle, the change of seasons, or loss. When trees lose their leaves, it refers to fall or winter. In discussions about the environment and climate change, it can represent the loss of forests. Metaphorically, it also represents a sense of emptiness or loss.
It is fall, the trees are losing their leaves. 🍂
I feel so empty and lost. 😔
We have to stop climate change before all the forests look like this!
A bare tree with a thick trunk and widely ramified branches, but without leaves. The tree stands firmly on the ground, but appears barren and bare, as if in a period of retreat or rest.
The leafless tree emoji ️ represents the end of the life cycle, the change of seasons, or loss. When trees lose their leaves, it refers to fall or winter. In discussions about the environment and climate change, it can represent the loss of forests. Metaphorically, it also represents a sense of emptiness or loss.
It is fall, the trees are losing their leaves. 🍂
I feel so empty and lost. 😔
We have to stop climate change before all the forests look like this!
Dog Face
This cute dog face 🐶 emoji radiates warmth and affection by showing a hanging tongue and cute floppy ears. It symbolizes unconditional loyalty, faithfulness and affection. It is often used to refer to one's pet (“I love my dog“) or people who are smart or intelligent (“You smart dog!“). In chats, the emoji is used to express sympathy or compassion, especially when it comes to our beloved pets. It can also create a playful mood, embodying a desire for fun and joy. In some cases, it is an affectionate reference to a particularly devoted or loyal person. The dog face emoji is a less formal alternative to the full 🐕 dog emoji, although their uses often overlap.
Cat face
Adorable illustration of cat face 🐱 shows a playful, fluffy velvet paw, which is a popular pet especially in big cities. Typically, the cat emoji is depicted as a yellow-orange cat with pointed ears and whiskers. The cute cats are known for their independence, stubbornness, and sixth sense. Symbolically, they represent wisdom, happiness, individuality, and tenderness. You will often find it in conversations with a more loving and playful atmosphere than the full 🐈 cat emoji, although their uses largely overlap. It can also be used to describe your own personality or that of another person who exhibits cat-like qualities such as independence, intelligence, or tenderness.
Mouse face
Mouse face emoji 🐭 represent small and cute, but also shy and helpless animals. Often depicted in gray or white, they have large, round ears, a pink, pointed nose, and whiskers. This emoji is often used in a more affectionate mood than the full 🐁-mouse emoji. Sometimes it is used to describe a person who is considered a “gray mouse,“ someone who is modest, shy, and reserved. In this context, it is used as a metaphor for these qualities. Additionally, it can be used in playful or humorous situations, for example, to refer to a small incident or sweet experience. It creates a light and carefree conversation atmosphere.
Hamster Face
I like you! This hamster face 🐹 emoji represents the popular nocturnal rodent that is often kept as a pet for children. Usually symbolizing inner peace and contentment, it is often used in an affectionate tone. It expresses the ability to handle difficult situations and adapt to change. Sometimes it is used to describe someone who works hard or puts in a lot of effort, similar to a hamster running tirelessly in a wheel. Alternatively, it can represent someone who is stuck in an endless routine or feels like they are treading water. Besides hamsters, the emoji also symbolizes other rodents such as guinea pigs, chinchillas or similar animals. It is important to note that there is no full equivalent to the hamster emoji.
Bunny Face
The bunny emoji 🐰 shows a cute, friendly cartoon face looking straight ahead. It's typically gray or white with upturned ears and a pink nose, often with whiskers and an incisor. Usually used in a more affectionate tone than the full bunny 🐇, it often represents the Easter Bunny. In addition to being used during the Easter season, the emoji can also express fertility, rapid growth, or even shyness. Generally, the emoji is a symbol of spring or tenderness, a sense of family and an active sex life.
Fox Face
A sly and cunning loner who often appears in fairy tales and fables, is represented by the charming fox face emoji 🦊. Its orange-red face with black nose, pointed ears and fluffy white cheeks looks inviting and playful. In communication, the emoji can create a joking or affectionate mood, and can be used to describe someone as smart or cunning, as in the phrase “you sly old fox“. It is also a symbol of adaptability, as foxes can thrive in many different habitats. The fox emoji is also used to emphasize creativity and intelligence in a discussion or to pique someone's curiosity.
A cute teddy bear. Is considered cuddly. The bear can stand on two legs like a human. Is admired for its strength and power, but also feared.
Polar bear
It can't be cold enough! Predator of the bear family. Lives in the northern polar region. The light fur serves for camouflage in the ice and snow. The King of the Arctic is a loner, fearless and a great hunter.
U+1F43B U+200D U+2744 U+FE0F
I'm going to a Cro concert! Pandas come from China, feed on bamboo and are threatened with extinction. You find something totally cute or as an expression of affection within friendships.
The koala stands for cuteness or amiability and awakens protective instincts. The second best-known animal in Australia feeds on eucalyptus and sleeps 20 hours a day.
Tiger Face
The magnificent animal stands for strength, felinity and appetite. Central importance in Asia. There, the tiger is considered a wise leader (Buddhism) and national animal (India), it is a symbol of bravery and strength (China) and a Chinese zodiac.
Lion Face
A cute lion face, the king of animals and the jungle. A powerful, dangerous predator, a sublime ruler over its pack and a symbol of power.
Cow face
The productive livestock provides man with milk and meat. The cow is a working animal and a sacred animal in India. Also used as a swear word for a clumsy, slow-witted person.
Pig Head
Pigs might fly! At New Year's Eve the pig is one of the favorite lucky charms, apart from the chimney sweep. Represents prosperity and wealth.
Pig’s snout
This looks like a pigpen. The pig's snout resembles a socket. Someone is a bit dirty and messy (You little pig!) or can eat really much (You’re eating like a pig.).
Frog Face
I have a frog in the throat! In mythology, stands for fertility, death and rebirth. Can also be seen in connection with prince charming (kiss the frog). Also known as Kermit, the frog from the Muppet Show.
Monkey Face
That's monkey business! “You are a cheeky monkey!“ or “Real brass monkey weather!“. Can also be used in a playful way, while fooling around or referring to the animal itself.
See-No-Evil Monkey
Monkey with two hands in front of its eyes. Closes its eyes to the world so as not to see anything bad or cruel, or is embarrassed. Mizaru is one of the three wise monkeys. In a sense, ignoring bad things.
Speak-No-Evil Monkey
Monkey is holding both hands over its mouth. Keeps a secret, will not talk about something, wants to speak no evil or what it just said slipped out of its mouth. Iwazaru is part of the three wise monkeys.
Hear-No-Evil Monkey
Monkey is holding both hands over its ears. Doesn't want to hear anything unpleasant or negative. Avoids the truth and does not listen. Kikazaru is one of the three wise monkeys.
Softly, softly catchee monkey! The naughty monkey stands for activity, joy, playfulness. Term of endearment for foolish persons and children who climb a lot. May also mean “Don‘t monkey about!“ or “I'm chilling at home“. Often used in the context of animals, zoos and forests.
In general, stands for fear and cowardice (“You are a chicken“). Appears in many phrases: “To get up with the chickens“, “To dance the funky chicken“, “To feel like a spring chicken“ or “to chicken out“. Chinese zodiac sign in the horoscope.
The penguin is a symbol of coldness. Tells a person that he or she is particularly awkward, gawkish or clumsy. Also symbolizes balance and reason. Can also announce an addition to the family.
Tell me about the birds and the bees. Flip someone the bird or to be a bird brain. Bird emoticon stands for freedom and fantasy. Can also symbolize the soul on a spiritual level.
Black Bird
The black bird emoji 🐦⬛ often represents birds, especially those with dark plumage, like ravens, crows, or blackbirds. Symbolically, it can refer to nature, wildlife, and birdwatching. Mysticism and mystery, often associated with dark birds such as ravens and crows, are other meanings. Finally, the 🐦⬛ emoji can also express feelings like pensiveness, melancholy, or a certain heaviness linked to the color black and the symbolism of ravens and crows.
U+1F426 U+200D U+2B1B
Clumsy body, fluffy down feathers, big head and ungainly gait – like most baby animals, the chick is extremely cute. A person is clumsy, Easter is just around the corner or a symbol of a rural idyll.
Chick in Eggshell
A sweet fledgling is hatching from its egg. Popular symbol for Easter. Stands for recommencement, cuteness or the birth of a baby.
Chick in Frontal View
An oversized head, yellow feathers, beak and big eyes. The cute, newly hatched chick expresses innocence and ignorance. “I had no idea“ or “I cannot help it.“
You lame duck! Popular pond dweller in parks. The duck has colonized all continents except the Antarctic. Can also stand for duck soup (easy tasks) or false reports (canard). Furthermore, the duck is a symbol of prosperity and reputation.
The king of the skies! Predator with sharp claws and eagle eyes. Symbol of the USA as well as desire of freedom, dignity and the pursuit of higher things.
A symbol of wisdom. The nocturnal owl cannot shake off a negative superstition. In spooky scenes in movies you can often hear the characteristic call of the owl.
Emoji for Batman. The nocturnal bat served as a template for Bram Stoker's Dracula. The only mammal that can fly. Represents immortality and reincarnation.
Wolf Face
The lonely wolf howling at the moon. In fairytales like “Little Red Riding Hood“ or “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats“ often an evil character, like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Symbol for independence, but also strong family spirit.
We saw a boar! The bristly boars are adaptive and omnivores. They are shy and nocturnal. Favorite dish of Obelix. Truffle seeker in France. A tracker boar of the police even made it into the Guinness Book of Records. The emoji can also symbolize aggressiveness and recklessness.
Horse Face
Horses are considered loyal and smart. Popular as farm animals and means of transportation. Inspirational and powerful. Insult to people with less attractive face and pronounced jaw as well as loudly laughing people.
The unicorn: a white horse with magical powers and a horn on its forehead. The mythical creatures represent uniqueness, innocence, virginity, and childlike naivety. Symbol for the good.
I wish you luck! The red ladybug with the black dots is considered a lucky symbol and is often found on birthday cards.
You are as nerve-racking as a mosquito! There are 3600 species worldwide, around 100 of those can be found in Germany. You will meet the annoying pests mostly in the evening hours and in the proximity of water. Only the female mosquitoes bite, they need a blood meal for their egg production.
Campfire, balmy summer evenings. The chirring animals might be crickets, grasshoppers or house crickets. One of the ten biblical plagues, animal feed and nutritional trend of the future. Also represents a gloomy mood, crazy ideas (“Jiminy cricket!“), quirks or a greedy person.
Worldwide, the sight of the spider is associated with fear and disgust. Chat partner wants to shock you or annoy you badly. Symbol for Halloween or Spiderman.
Someone has been netted! The web spun with spider silk is primarily used for catching prey. May indicate a trap or danger. Symbol for Halloween and scary things.
Turtles live to be between 40 and 100 years old and they move very slowly. You have a quiet day, you are moving or somebody dresses up in carnival as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
The hissing snake stands for furtiveness and deception. A person pretends to be your friend, but is badmouthing you behind your back. Also represents a zodiac sign in the Chinese horoscope.
Dragon in small format. The reptile likes to bask on stones. Lizards live in Europe, Africa and Asia. The cute, nimble animals can throw off the tail in case of danger and it will grow back. August 14th is the International Lizard Day (World Lizard Day). Symbolizes longevity, adaptability and also envious persons you should be wary of.
Let's watch the new Jurassic Park movie! Tyrannosaurus Rex – the carnivorous dinosaur with its short arms is the best known. Its name means “king of lizards“. In movies often the aggressive predator who stands for threat and spreads fear and terror.
He is vegetarian or “We're going to a natural history museum“! Herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck, massive physique and a relatively small head. With a length of up to 30 meters and a weight of 70 tons, it is the largest terrestrial animal that ever lived. One of the most popular dinosaurs. They became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period, 66 million years ago.
Eight legs, two pincers and a poison sting. In sagas and myths, the scorpion is usually a dangerous and deadly creature. They are prevalent worldwide and only a few species are dangerous. One of the twelve zodiac signs.
The octopus has up to eight arms, including a favorite arm and is considered smart. Is also used in a kitschy way because of its cute appearance, e.g., “I want to snuggle up to you.“ In connection with traveling and diving or the ability to do many things at the same time.
The jellyfish is often used to symbolize the sea, the ocean, or the underwater world. The emoji is also used as a metaphor for something beautiful yet dangerous, similar to a jellyfish. In pop culture, it symbolizes transience, immortality, and transformation. Often, it appears in art, films, or books exploring these themes. Additionally, it expresses negative feelings such as disappointment, sadness, or anger. In such cases, it suggests meanings related to poisoning, stings, or pain.
Do not mess with me! Sea creature with tentacles. They hold their prey with the suckers. Squids change color depending on their mood (angry, excited, aggressive) and during the mating season. When in danger, they eject a cloud of ink. Popular delicacy.
The sea creature is a popular delicacy. Prawns are gray and turn pink when cooked. Refers to a dish (I love paella) or a restaurant that serves seafood.
We are having a good time with lobster and champagne! The red sea creatures live to get up to 100 years old and cover 160 km annually. Represents holidays, the sea and exquisite dinners.
Prawns and hermit crabs can stand for isolation and loneliness. Represent the sea, the underwater world or also food. Could also mean: You only move sideways!
Puffer Fish
Careful, I'm dangerous! Puffer fish can inflate in case of danger and raise its quills. This makes it almost impossible for the enemy to scoff it. As a warning: do not mess with me! Despite its poison, a delicacy in Japan.
Tropical fish
Diving into a colorful underwater world, warm water temperatures, sun and beach. The colorful fish live in tropical waters. Symbol of vacation and relaxation as well as the need for freedom, independence and boundlessness.
That's a bit fishy! Fishing for compliments or being neither fish nor fowl. Fish are masters of camouflage and adaptation. Also used in connection with eating fish, with swimming, or the sea.
Flipper! An American children's series. Dolphins are highly intelligent mammals. They live together in families.
Whale blowing out
Moby Dick! Whales must come to the surface to breathe. When they exhale, the air is blown out through a blowhole. The fountain can be up to 12 m high. The emoji is used in connection with the underwater world, whale watching or as an insult for overweight people.
Very large marine mammal with massive body. The whale has no natural enemies. They are among the oldest animals in the world and are considered to be guardians of knowledge. Insult for overweight people.
You’re facing a shark tank or someone jumped the shark. 500 different types are known. They feed on plankton or marine animals. Feared as a killer through films like “Jaws”, although attacks on people are very rare.
He's a water rat! The seal is seen as merry, playful and has many tricks up its sleeve. The acrobats of the sea can swim up to 35 km/h, can sleep on land as well as under water and dive up to 200 m deep.
Shedding big crocodile tears. With 230 million years of age, the saurian is the oldest animal group in the world. Crocodiles live in tropical regions in the water and on land. They are considered inactive and are strong hunters. Can refer to a country or region, e.g. Australia or Florida. Figuratively, the crocodile also stands for greed and hypocrisy.
Three cheers and a tiger! Widespread in Asia, the predator with the strikingly striped fur is considered the largest cat species. King of the jungle. The tiger combines grace, courage, strength, wild beauty and sexual power. Likewise, it stands for a ballsy, freedom-loving and fearsome person.
The leopard is one of the fastest and most graceful big cats and symbolizes wildness, elegance, beauty and power. Can stand for a vacation in Asia or Africa. Or you want to buy new leggings with the typical pattern.
Lives in Africa, resembles the horse and has black and white stripes. Or white and black stripes? Everything has two sides, there is not only bright and dark. Negative and positive things are kept balanced.
Don’t mess with me! Standing, up to 1.75 m tall and weighing up to 200 kg: Gorillas are the largest apes. The gentle giants are vegetarians and endangered. Pejorative for a primitive or uncivilized person. Symbolizes strength, power, but also aggressiveness.
We’re visiting the great apes in Indonesia! The term orangutan comes from the Malay language and means man of the forest. The intelligent, peaceful apes do not like rain and live in trees.
This house is a white elephant, you are the elephant in the room or you are seeing pink elephants. The heaviest surviving land mammal stands for wisdom. We are going on holiday: to a safari in Africa or to Asia. Unflattering symbol for an overweight person.
We're going on a safari to the Kruger National Park! The hippopotamus is the second-heaviest land mammal after the elephant. The herbivores can show a very aggressive behavior. Due to its barrel-shaped physique, it is also used for people in an unflattering way.
A fool and jerk is pejoratively referred to as a rhinoceros. The rhino has a strong body, short limbs and a large head with one or two horns. Primeval survivor, vegetarian and critically endangered. Symbolizes impetuous rage and assertiveness.
A difficult journey is approaching! The single-humped camel lives in Africa and Arabia. As a pack animal and mount, it can live in the desert and do without water for weeks. Characteristic features are the long neck, the long eyelashes and the swinging gait. A dromedary symbolizes luck but also worries and hard work.
You’re as dumb as a camel! The two-humped camel lives in Central Asia. Camels are adapted to extreme habitats (ship of the desert). Symbol of stamina, will to survive, staying power and resilience.
The animal with the longest neck is native to Africa. Giraffes are up to 6 meters tall, have a maximum weight of 1,600 kilograms and reach a speed of up to 55 k.p.h. Symbol of farsightedness and gentleness.
We are going to the other end of the world! Apart from the koala, the kangaroo is the most famous animal in Australia. The world's largest marsupial has even made it to the Australian coat of arms. Kangaroos are walking with their tail, they cannot run backwards and they do not sweat.
As busy as a bee or to have a bee in your bonnet. Bees are structured like a social community. Each has its own fixed task and contributes its part to the success of the colony. Caution: A bee can also annoy and sting!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Caterpillars hatch from an egg, eat their way through all groceries, pupate and become a butterfly. As a larva usually thick and hairy, therefore also used to express aversion: That is disgusting and fulsome!
Symbol of a positive transformation: from the unimpressive caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly. You are in love, have butterflies in your stomach. Summer is here!
Being as slow as a snail, moving at a snail's pace, sending letters by snail mail. Represents slowness and also vulnerability because of the fragile snail shell. Causes revulsion in many people.
I am afraid of insects! Loud humming, clumsy flying. Nickname for a car, delicacy in Asia and the subject of phobias. Distributed all over the world, except in Antarctica. The thick armature protects the beetle from enemies.
I am hard to beat! The crawling insect is often accompanied with disgust and panic. The cockroach feeds on pretty much anything, can transmit diseases and cause allergies. It is sung about in songs and a swearword.
You're a pain in the ass or “Buzz off!“ The obtrusive tormentors make noise, sting and can transmit diseases. Symbol of tenacity and impermanence.
The early bird catches the worm! You want to worm a secret out of someone. Some worms, such as the tapeworm, can cause disease, while others, such as the earthworm, are useful.
The wild cattle occurs in North America (bison) and Europe (European bison). The herbivore is up to 3.80 m long and weighs up to 900 kg. Due to the pronounced hump an imposing appearance. Emblematic of the American prairie or a tall, strong guy.
“This is a mammoth task” or “I urgently need to go to the hairdresser’s!” Mammal belonging to the elephant genus, extinct around 4,000 years ago. The herbivore was up to 4 m long, weighed between 5 and 15 t and had 2 m long tusks.
Water buffalo
The buffalo stands for stability and endurance and is a symbol of male sexuality and strength. In Asian countries kept as pack animal and for the plowing of rice fields. It appears in myths and legends, rescues Mowgli from the Tiger Shere Khan in the Jungle Book and is one of the 12 zodiac signs.
I'm as strong as an ox! Powerful, tame working animal. Represents agriculture and rural areas. The ox roast is a symbol of the Bavarian “Wiesn”. We're going to the Oktoberfest!
The "moose" 🦌 is often used to express Nordic or Canadian themes related to the animal world. It can also represent the beauty and majesty of these animals or symbolize their strength and power. Sometimes, the 🦌 emoji is sent to create a cozy or wintery atmosphere, especially when combined with other winter-themed emojis. Additionally, it can be used as a symbol of wilderness and adventure. In some cultures, the moose is seen as a sign of pride, wisdom, and dignity.
Female cattle symbolize fertility, prosperity and blessing in many cultures. Cows are considered affectionate and innocent. On the alpine cows are found in the pastures. Also swearword that aims at weight or intelligence.
The donkey 🫏 is often used to represent mules or similar animals. It can also describe people who are stubborn or headstrong, similar to the phrase "stubborn as a donkey." Sometimes, the emoji 🫏 can express laziness or a slow way of working, as donkeys are often seen as slow and stubborn. In pop culture, the donkey is frequently associated with the popular animated film "Shrek," where the main character is a green ogre with a talking donkey as a companion.
“Wild horses couldn’t drag me there.” Horses symbolize beauty, elegance, passion and nature. Former workhorse and means of transportation, today riding is a popular hobby. Symbolically, the horse can also point to eroticism and sexuality.
One of the twelve zodiac signs in the Chinese horoscope. Represents pork on menus. Can also mean dirty, greedy or disgusting and be used pejoratively (“You sweat like a pig“).
You stubborn ram! The male sheep with sinuous horns is a symbol of fertility: The ram can carry out copulation up to 50 times a day. Strong fighter with a will to win. It symbolizes masculinity, potency and stamina as well as strength.
Counting sheep as a sleeping aid, separate the sheep from the goats, be a wolf in sheep's clothing or make sheep’s eyes at someone. Sheep blindly follow the flock and are considered good-natured and simple-minded. A gentle, easily manipulable and naive person is often referred to as sheep.
We are going to Peru! Llamas live in the South American Andes and belong to the animal family of camels. Cute facial expression, big eyes and cuddly fur. But beware: If danger threatens, it spits you in the face. Has replaced the unicorn as the new trend animal: “No dramas with llamas“, “No probllamas“.
“That gets my goat!” or “Sort out the sheep from the goats”. Wild animal in the mountains and productive livestock on farms. Goats are considered as omnivores with a strong odor. In fairy tales often a symbol of a caring mother. The billy goat embodies animal instinct, lasciviousness and sexual vitality (“old goat”).
The deer is an antlered mammal and king of the forest. The doe belongs to the family of deer. Christmas symbol (Rudolph Reindeer) or famous character of the Disney movie Bambi. In mythology, both the deer and the unicorn are representations of soul and mind. In popular belief, the deer has also an erotic meaning.
I need to walk the dog! May also mean a barking dog never bites or someone feels dog-tired. The dog is man’s best friend and stands for unconditional love, obedience, reliability and loyalty.
Looking like a handbag poodle or loyal and devoted friends stand by your side. Due to the extravagant appearance a fashion dog, lap dog and circus dog in former times. Poodles are friendly, lively and intelligent family dogs.
Guide dog
We’re training guide dogs for the blind! Specially trained companions for visually impaired people. The training lasts 18 months from birth. The dog retires after 7 to 10 years.
Assistance dog
My dog makes my everyday life easier! Assistance dogs support people with disabilities. They are trained to recognize emergencies (e.g. in the case of epilepsy) and to get help. Assistance dogs increase the quality of life and promote mobility.
U+1F415 U+200D U+1F9BA
Let the cat out of the bag or “You think you're the cat's whiskers!“. Symbol for the cat lover or your own pet. The cat is said to have seven lives.
Black cat
She is very superstitious! The kitty cat is a popular pet, but is also considered a bad omen. Due to an old superstition, black cats bring bad luck. Revered by the ancient Egyptians, a lucky charm in Japan and a symbol of evil in the Middle Ages.
U+1F408 U+200D U+2B1B
A new day is breaking in or there is new important news. You are a cock of the walk or cock-a-hoop. Male chicken with red comb on the head. The rooster crows when the sun rises. Is considered full of hot air, territorial, protective and aggressive. Is also a symbol of the man and male intentions.
The goose emoji is often used to represent the animals themselves or in the context of hunting. It can also express a metaphorical meaning such as "dumb as a goose" or denote a person who is clumsy or awkward. Sometimes, the 🪿 emoji can symbolize nature or fall and winter activities, as geese are commonly seen during these seasons. Furthermore, it can have a friendly and playful meaning, especially when combined with other animal-related emojis. Typically, the 🪿 emoji is seen as an expression of humor or joy.
Happy Thanksgiving! The turkey lives in North and South America. It is a symbol of emotional security and proximity to the earth. Traditional food on Thanksgiving and Christmas. The turkey is easily irritable and then blurts out angry sounds.
He is flouncing around like a peacock! In order to attract females, the peacock raises its feathers into a fan. Symbol of beauty, wealth and love. Also the epitome of vanity.
You parrot everyone or “She put her parrot make-up on“. The tropical bird with the bright colors is able to repeat words and even imitate telephone ringing.
From the ugly duckling to the beautiful swan. The graceful bird with a long neck and brilliant white plumage appears in many myths and fairy tales. The swan commits itself to its partner for life. Symbolizes loyalty and purity.
You bird of paradise! The colorful water bird in the typical posture, standing on one leg. The flamingo owes its feathers’ color to its favorite food, crabs. Trend animal and a synonym for grace and extravagance.
You are so dumb! Giant bird that lived on the island of Mauritius. Known through “Alice in Wonderland“ and “Ice Age“. The flightless bird with the thick beak is considered gawky, clumsy and good-natured. Probably extinct around 1690.
Happy Easter or “That's cute!“ The bunny is usually sent on Easter and in spring. In addition, the bunny is in fourth place of the Chinese zodiac signs and is used to wish a happy New Year. The next year of the bunny is 2023.
Let's get rid of disputes and conflicts! White dove with olive branch in beak. The dove is a symbol of peace all over the world.
There is a raccoon in the attic! Zorro on four paws. The cute, masked small bear with a striking black and white face originally comes from North America. The loner is nocturnal, color-blind and a good climber.
Careful, I can defend myself! The black and white striped skunk lives in America. In case of danger, they spray the opponent with a foul smelling secretion. Something or someone stinks, literally or figuratively.
He likes working with wood! The rodent sometimes builds gigantic dams and is considered the best lumberjack in the world. Beavers are loyal and monogamous. On land, the aquatic animal becomes clumsy and gawky.
You are smart and quick! The white stripe on its head is characteristic of the badger. The nocturnal animal spends most of its time in underground caves, which it digs itself. Badgers are brave, live in packs and hibernate in winter.
You water rat! The animals are not only cute, but also some of the most intelligent animals. The otter stands for curiosity, playfulness and joie de vivre.
This weekend I'm just not going to do anything! The relaxed jungle animals spend most of their lives hanging from a branch. Sloths feed on leaves, sleep 15 to 20 hours a day and move extremely little. If at all, they move very slowly.
Poor as a church mouse or to play cat and mouse with someone. Can also refer to someone who is small, quiet and unobtrusive.
Easily confused with the mouse emoji. The rat is one of the twelve zodiac signs in the Chinese horoscope. It is also used negatively as an insult (“to rat on someone“) for traitors and untrustworthy persons.
Alvin and the Chipmunks. The cute animals live in America and in contrast to the squirrel they have stripes. It can store its food in the thick cheeks to feed on it later unhurriedly. Let's go for a walk in the park!
Small and cute, but can fight back! Raises its quills if in danger. I want to coil up like a hedgehog! The hedgehog hibernates and perks up only at dusk. The most famous (blue) hedgehog from the Sonic video game runs as fast as the sound and collects rings.
Paw Prints
“Follow the trail” or “I have a new pet”. The imprints can indicate an animal with paws such as dogs, cats, bears, lions, etc. The emoji is mostly used in conversations relating to animals.
The diligent animals live in a colony, are organized and can carry many times their body weight. Ants are found worldwide and they can grow between 1 mm and 7 cm. Are seen as the health police of the forest. Symbol of zeal and diligence.
This is terrible or fantastic! As the master of all elements of nature, the dragon is a mythical figure in the Japanese and Chinese traditions. Can also be found in company logos.
Dragon face
We’re celebrating the Chinese New Year. In myths, fairy tales and movies, the dragon is often a terrifying monster: scaly, with 4 legs, big wings and fire-breathing. Symbol for China and Chinese culture.
I love the old western movies! On our next vacation, we are going to a hot desert region or someone wants to go to a Mexican restaurant! Can also refer to a stubborn person.
Christmas Tree
Happy and merry holidays! Decorating the tree with balls, tinsel and fairy lights is part of the traditional Christmas season. Represents the holidays and is often used in Christmas greetings.
Evergreen Tree
Evergreen coniferous trees do not lose their needles even in winter. In China and Japan bonsai is a form of artistic garden design. Symbol of strength and immortality.
Deciduous Tree
Represents the forest and nature in general. Can be used for the invitation for a walk. In autumn, the leaves change color before the tree loses its leaves. Symbol for rebirth and the victory of life over death.
Palm Tree
Summer, sun, the sea ... symbol of holidays and travel to tropical or warm regions. Or something victorious, you win the palm.
I love gardening! Most plants are dibbled in spring. The delicate plant needs to be nourished and cared for. Can symbolize growth or a fresh start.
Small twig with green leaves. Can represent nature or cooking with natural ingredients and flavors. Herbs are also found in medicines.
The green plant with the three heart-shaped leaves stands for Ireland and St. Patrick's Day. Symbol for the cross and the Trinity, nature and Ireland. The English term “shamrock“ comes from the Irish word for plant (seamróg).
Four Leaf Clover
I wish you luck! The four-leaf clover was taken by Eve as a souvenir from paradise. Someone is keeping his fingers crossed for you.
Pine Decoration
In Japan, house entrances are embellished with a pine decoration on Shogatsu (New Year's Day) to thank the gods for their protection.
Potted plant
You have a green thumb! The plants have to be repotted or gardening is your new favorite pastime. You say it with flowers and send a flower greeting for a birthday or anniversary.
Tanabata Tree
Traditional Japanese tanabata tree. It is utilized to attach written wishes to it. On the day of the festival, two stars meet each other in the sky: according to Chinese tradition, two lovers who are separated by the Milky Way for the rest of the year.
Leaf Fluttering in the Wind
“Fall is approaching” or “It's windy!” Fluttering leaves in the wind can also be a warning sign and indicate disappointment, loss, or a personal misfortune.
She is as light as a feather! The plumage serves birds to fly and to protect them from water and cold. The filigree feather embodies tenderness and lightness. Expresses the love for the animal world or old literature (quill).
Maple Leaf
The maple leaf is the emblem of Canada. The autumnal colors of the leaf can also stand for the season and nature.
Empty Nest
I love birds! The empty bird's nest can be symbolic of home. Also used to symbolize that the children have already “flown the coop“. Symbol for the Beijing National Stadium (colloquially “bird's nest“).
Let’s go on a mushroom foray! To spring up like mushrooms! An extra life with Super Mario. The mushroom with the red umbrella and the white dots is the poisonous fly agaric. Can refer to fall as well as to a healthy diet.
Sea Shell
During vacation, the shell can be found on the beach. If we hold a spiral shell to the ear, we can hear the sound of the sea. Refers to the coast or the ocean.
We go snorkeling! Corals are small marine animals and form the complex ecosystems of coral reefs. Can be a symbol of climate change or fascination with the underwater world.
Ear Of Rice
Emoji shows a rice panicle. It stands for solidarity and the commitment to a human being. It also symbolizes wealth, happiness and prosperity.
“Thank you” or “All the best!” The beautiful, colorful bouquet is usually sent on Mother's Day and Valentine's Day as well as at weddings and other celebrations. It is meant to express congratulations and acknowledgement. Also used as a symbol of nature.
A tulip is the harbinger of spring. It is often posted as a courtesy. Worldwide, splendid tulip festivals are organized. Can be understood as the awakening of nature.
Hyacinths symbolize spring, renewal, and rebirth. The emoji depicts a delicate pink or purple blossom, often associated with the blooming of flowers in spring. It also represents beauty, elegance, and grace. Frequently linked with nature, gardens, flower arrangements, gifts, and decorations. It can express congratulations on the beginning of spring or a birthday. In poetry and art, the hyacinth symbolizes love, passion, and affection, but it can also signify sadness and regret, especially concerning the loss of a loved one. The emoji 🪻 is used in the language of flowers to convey various meanings. The pink hyacinth signifies tenderness and love, while the purple hyacinth stands for ambition and pride.
You have won my heart! The red rose is a sign of love and romance. It is usually sent on Valentine's or Mother's Day. Caution: Every rose has its thorn!
Withered Flower
The flower has withered due to lack of water or sun. Represents sorrow, disillusionment and hopelessness. Symbolizes the end of a love, faded feelings or the current depressive state of mind.
The lotus flower is often called the “sacred flower“. In Buddhism, symbolic of purity of heart, faithfulness, life and rebirth. But can also be used for beauty, elegance and purity. In connection with the emoji of the “person sitting in lotus“ 🧘,🪷 the lotus flower stands for yoga and meditation.
Delicate, fragile beauty. Hibiscus is very colorful and extremely attractive for bees and butterflies. Symbolizes wealth and power in Asian countries.
Cherry Blossom
The bright pink cherry blossom is deeply rooted in the Japanese tradition (Hanami). It stands for beauty and transience.
In full bloom or “A girl blossoms into a woman“. The blooming flower does not show a specific species, but stands for flowers in general, for spring and the awakening of nature.
You make the sun rise! The “high spirits flower“ conjures a smile on every face. Represents joie de vivre, happiness and warmth. Sunflowers are a symbol of the summer.
Sun With Face
The sun is shining so beautifully! Yellow sun with friendly grin on its face. Expresses joy about the great weather, stands for the summer or the sunny mind of a person.
Full Moon With Face
Smiling full moon face. Symbol of wholeness and magical power. Is delighted about your happiness and wishes you success.
Waxing crescent moon with face
Crescent moon with face looking to the left. With the waxing crescent moon, the right half of the moon is lighted. The emoji is related to the night and nightlife. The man in the moon is a fairy tale as well as a hit song.
Waning crescent moon with face
Good night and sleep well! Crescent moon with face looking right. The waning crescent moon is the last phase in the lunar cycle. Lullaby for children. Refers to the night, romance and dreams.
New Moon With Face
New moon with face. Is usually perceived as creepy and eerie. Can also symbolize the man in the moon.
New Moon
At new moon, the moon is between the sun and the earth. Is the first of four phases in the lunar cycle. Represents a fresh start. According to the lunar calendar, this is a good time to sow plants, carry out the wish for a baby, or start a new project.
Waxing crescent moon
The first quarter of the waxing moon. The moon rises around noon and sets around midnight. The waxing moon brings more energy and is suitable for tackling projects.
Waxing half moon
With the waxing half moon, the right half of the moon is lighted. This phase represents activity and challenges that we need to face. The time of doing.
Waxing moon
Moon phase between the waxing half moon and full moon. More than half of the moon is lighted. It rises in the afternoon and is visible until the early morning hours. The waxing moon brings new energy and the time to achieve new goals.
Full Moon
I wish you success! The full moon promises happiness in any circumstance. You will arrive at your destination, but you should remain modest.
Waning moon
Phase between the full moon and waning half moon. More than half of the moon’s left side is brightly lighted. Energy decreases, time to complete and reflect on current projects.
Waning half moon
Around the end of the lunar cycle (in total: 29.53 days), the left half of the moon is lighted. The phase of the waning half moon is good for tackling or completing things. Can also stand for balance, contrast or duality.
Waning crescent moon
The left side of the moon is lighted around the end of the lunar cycle (last quarter). The moon rises around midnight and sets at noon. Energy decreases, time to make room for something new.
Crescent Moon
I wish you a good night! The moon forms a crescent in the night sky. This may indicate the beginning or the end of a journey.
Globe with America
Our next destination is America! View from space of the continent of America with North and South America. Refers to the continent, a single country or the earth in general.
Globe with Europe and Africa
We’re going to South Africa! A view from space of the continents of Europe and Africa. Can refer to the earth itself, the environment or a country within Europe or Africa.
Globe With Asia and Australia
The view from space, when astronauts look at the continents of Asia and Australia. The holiday was approved, you go Down Under to the kangaroos.
Ringed planet
The solar system fascinates me! The planet with a ring is Saturn, the second largest planet. The gas planet is visible to the naked eye. Symbolic for reliability and stability.
White Medium Star
Stars are the source of light or brightness and stand for protection as well as accompaniment. Symbol of fame and fortune, outstanding talent or achievements. Reach for the stars.
Sparkling Star
Three decoratively sparkling stars. It glitters and sparkles, can stand for, e.g.: I have shined the car or apartment. Something is beautiful or almost magical.
Dizzy Symbol
My head is spinning! Swinging star. Means, I'm totally dazed (drunken) and only see stars.
Three decoratively sparkling stars. For example, can mean: I polished my car or my apartment to mirror finish.
High Voltage
Symbol as a warning of high voltage. The flash is often used for stormy weather. Or to say that something is extremely dangerous, exciting or out of control.
You're as hot as a volcano! The fire emoji is often used as a compliment and also in connection with “to be enlightened”, or for spicy food.
The comet stands for special events like success. Is associated with luck and misfortune. Indicates a change in life.
(Black) Sun With Rays
Symbolizes life energy on the earth as well as warm and sunny days.
Sun behind cloud
What’s the weather forecast? The sky is full of clouds but the sun is peering from behind a cloud. Can refer to someone’s view of things, for example: You are optimistic (the sun is appearing) or pessimistic (clouds are gathering).
Sun behind rain cloud
The day is sunny with short rain showers. Often the emoji refers to the weather but also to the mood: Better times are approaching. When the sun shines on the retreating rain cloud, a rainbow appears in the sky.
Cloud with rain
It’s raining, take an umbrella with you. The weather forecast predicts rainy weather. Can also have a mood-related meaning or symbolize crying.
Thunderstorm cloud and rain
Storm is gathering or is brewing. Can refer to the weather (the weather could really be better) or to one’s mood (I’m so angry).
Cloud with lightning
A thunderstorm and stormy weather are gathering, there is already lightning. Tension is in the air and about to unleash. The atmosphere is emotionally charged, someone is angry or upset.
Cloud with snow
It’s snowing! Emoji describes the weather or serves as an expression of anticipation of the upcoming winter season. It symbolizes the winter, the cold, the season(s) or the Christmas season.
After every low comes a high! The rainbow is a symboli of peace and unification. It is also a sign of happiness and hope.
Dark clouds are gathering or something casts a cloud over something. Meant rather negatively. Represents bad weather, bad mood or doom.
Snowman in Snow
It's winter, the snow is falling outside. The snowman stands for the cold season. The season starts as soon as the first snowflake falls.
Snowman Without Snowflakes
Let's build a snowman! The snowman typically has eyes made of pebbles, a carrot nose and wears a hat. It is a symbol of winter, snow and the Christmas season.
Symbol of frost. Represents the winter: it is cold or it is snowing. Stands for uniqueness, because no snowflake is exactly like the other. After the Disney movie “Frozen“ the emoji undoubtedly gained in popularity.
Collision Symbol
Wow! Something is (positively or negatively) surprising, great or it just exploded. The concert was awesome, the new project hit the roof or you had a rear-end collision.
Wind Blowing Face
Symbol of Mother Nature, of all fertile and creative things. Generates wind by blowing air from the mouth. In the context of the weather (it is windy outside) or in the figurative sense (blowing away problems or memories).
Dash Symbol
I'm already gone! Emoticon shows that someone has to hurry and move quickly. Person has already darted off.
Cloud With Tornado
A tornado is a tremendous natural phenomenon, leaving a trail of devastation. It symbolizes danger. In a figurative sense, for restlessness or turbulent situations: failures and disappointments are possible.
Water Wave
The wave emoji can be interpreted as a symbol of the power of life. Also has other meanings such as surfing and swimming in the sea, or “Something lies ahead of you”.
Single-drop emoji. Could be water or drops of perspiration. Can stand for inconvenience or discomfort, but is also used as a sign for drizzle and rain.
Splashing Sweat Symbol
The drops represent splashing sweat. Somebody is making either a physical or a mental effort right now. In sexual contact for body fluids or excitement.
My dream burst like a soap bubble! With their short lifespan, they tragically teach us how endangered our dreams are. The bubbles that rise into the air can also stand for carbonic acid, a bubble bath, the childish need for fun or for illusions.
Umbrella with raindrops
It looks like it’s going to rain or you are already walking in the rain. Besides weather, can also be used to express bad temper or a tense atmosphere. Unofficial safer sex emoji.
Open Umbrella
It is raining or it is going to rain. You had better take an umbrella with you. In Asia, it not only protects from rain, but also from the sun.
The view is limited. It’s impossible to see clearly and orientation is difficult. Can stand for the weather, for smog but also for confusion and ambiguity.